sábado, 4 de noviembre de 2017


Dear families;

Aquí tenéis las fotos de nuestra segunda sesión del  Duquesa Halloween Storytelling 2017.
 Esta vez les tocó pasar un rato super-diver-terrorífico a los cheeky monkeys de infantil y a sus papis y mamis que acudieron bien contentos a la cita.
Nuevamente representamos un par de teatrillos con camareras adorables, arañas no tan adorables, príncipes y princesas enamorados y una bruja muy traviesa. 
Nos reímos muchísimo ¡ a que si!
Posteriormente ya en la biblioteca contamos tres cuentos los cuales gustaron muchísimo y no daban tanto miedo, estos cheeky monkeys son unos valientes.
Gracias a todos por venir y compartir conmigo la magia de la lectura, and remember that IN DUQUESA...WE LOVE STORIES!!!

Dear families!

Here you have the fabulous pics of our second Halloween Storytelling session last Monday.
This time  the cheeky monkeys from Infantil and their parents were the ones who had a terrific fun time with all the crazy sketches and the stories told.
We enjoyed a sweet and adorable little waitress serving a delicious cup of tea, the spider in the cup served by another naughty  waiter was not so nice though!!!
There was also a beautiful couple of prince and princess very much in love but very much in trouble with a naughty witch, remember!! 
And then our three great and not so scary stories told in our library, how brave our children are aren't they?
We indeed had a fantastic time thanks to you all people, do not stop enjoying the magic of storytelling ever!!!
See you at all at  Christmas!!