This is what we have been doing in today's Squeeze Me workshop: Fruit Wands.
And as you can see, we had a wonderful time experimenting with lots of different fruits, peeling them and slicing them into little pieces and finally putting them all together in the skewers, making very colourful and funny wands.
We have also learned how to use different shaped cookie cutters to cut the fruit out with and make nice wand tops.
We love fruit!
See you next week with another super original and very sweet recipe, check it out on the blog--you're going to love it, All on board!!!!!!
Queridas familias;
Esto es lo que hemos hecho hoy en nuestro taller de Squeeze Me. Varitas de fruta
Y como podéis ver nos lo hemos pasado fenomenal experimentando con diferentes frutas, pelándolas, cortádolas en trocitos y ensartándolas en palillos para formar unas varitas divertidas y coloridas.
También hemos aprendido a utilizar distintos moldes de galletas con los que cortar la fruta y obtener unas formas super chulas que han rematado nuestras pequeñas obras de arte.
! Que rica es la fruta!
Nos vemos el próximo martes con otra super divertida y original receta que ya está publicada en nuestro blog. Id echando un vistazo os a va encantar.
Pasajeros al tren!!!!!